I got an early Mother's Day gift! On Thursday I found out I'm having a girl! We're so excited around here! We would have been super excited for a boy, also, but a girl will add something different to our family! And frankly, I think I deserve a girl. I have no sisters & so far have only had boys, so this little gal is going to be super duper spoiled & that's ok!
And speaking of Mother's Day, it was great this year! My boys brought me breakfast in bed.
And then gave me their gifts. I loved them;)
This is what Porter came up with! So creative!
And this flower pot we made in Preschool.
And this is what my breakfast was made with! A new waffle iron that actually browns & crisps the waffles! Yay! After gifts, I decided to take a nap! It was sooooo nice! I don't remember the last time I got to take a nap!
Brandon made a delicious rib dinner and I didn't have to lift a finger:)
Happy Mother's Day to me! What a perfect day!
2019 Christmas Igloo
5 years ago