{Little Learners Preschool}

Enrollment has started for Fall 2012. Check out my website!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

It's T-Ball Time!

Yesterday was Porter and Hudson's first t-ball games!
Yep, Hudson is playing this year because he is a big 3 year old! He loves that he gets to play just like his big brother:)
They are on different teams, which is going to make crazy Saturdays even crazier, but it's worth it to see them having so much fun!
Porter batting:
On first base.
Hudson batting.
On first base.
It's gonna be a fun season! I'm glad my boys love it so much!

Friday, April 13, 2012

All About Brody

This little guy is 15 months now! Time sure has flown by. I look around for my little baby & I can't find him anymore:( Instead he has been replaced with this toddler that climbs on everything, gets into everything, undoes everything I have already done, never stops, and is busy, busy, busy from the moment he wakes up to the moment he crashes at night!

Here's some more of what Brody is up to as of late:
  • He's still a good sleeper (thank goodness!)
  • He doesn't say many words yet. He's pretty quiet most of the time. He jabbers and says momma and dadda and that's about it in the speaking department.
  • Even though he isn't talking yet, he is VERY good at letting us know what he needs. He does some sign language (milk, more, please, finished) which helps a lot.
  • He absolutely LOVES is big brothers! He wants to be where ever they are and doing whatever they are doing.
  • One of his nicknames is The Terror because he can have all the containers of toys from the preschool room dumped out on the floor before we even know that's what's happening!
  • Despite his nickname, he also has a very sweet side to his personality. I could just love on him all day long... and I do!
  • He's getting tons of teeth! His mouth has just been a lumpy mess with all the teeth he has been getting for the last couple months. He doesn't let me get a very good look, but anytime I try to put orajel on his gums, it seems like I can feel a new tooth that has popped up.
  • It is nearly impossible to take any pictures of him! He doesn't want to stay in one place. I've even tried just taking pictures of him while playing, and the little stinker is gone out of the frame before I even get the picture taken! Hence I have a ton of pictures with nothing but background in them!
Brody had his Dr. Appt. today and here are his stats:
Weight: 22 lbs 1 oz (25%)
Height: 32 in. (75%)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

EasTeR fUn!

We had such a fun Easter weekend! It started by decorating Easter eggs.
Look at that concentration!

 Brandon was going to need to leave the house on Sunday at 6:45am for his meetings before church. Having a husband in the Bishopric means you have to be flexible. So we knew that we wouldn't be able to do Easter stuff in the morning before church. We encouraged Porter to write a letter to the Easter Bunny to ask him when he would be visiting:
And the Easter Bunny wrote Porter a note back telling him that he was going to hide Easter eggs after daddy got home while everyone was napping. That way daddy wouldn't miss anything. Porter was so excited to see the note!

On Saturday, we went to Bauman Farms for their Egg Hunt.
Brothers waiting patiently for the hunt to start.
And Brody was lovin' being on his daddy's back!
This is so sad, but Hudson only got one egg.
I was trying to help him, but there were so many people there and they were taking more than the 12 egg limit. 
But look at his happy smile, anyways!
What an awesome kid!
Porter fared much better and got his 12 eggs. He even shared a few with his brother.
He's a pretty awesome kid, too!
My boys look forward to the Bauman Farms egg hunt every year because of this:
The jumping pillow. It's their fav!
This pic is so funny! Porter would drag Brody up the pillow then...
Brody would bounce all the way down!
The Ladybug Ride
Like I said earlier, we didn't do any of the Easter stuff until after church. So before church, I took pics of them in their Easter outfits, and we talked about Jesus and his resurrection. I really, really like this schedule. We did this same thing last year when church was so early. It is so nice to focus on Christ and the reason why we celebrate Easter, for the morning. I think it really sets the tone for the rest of the day. And it is so good for my kids to help them not get so caught up in the commercial Easter stuff.

After they woke up from their nap, this is what they found!

They played with all their stuff from their Easter baskets for a good half hour & finally Hudson looked out our screen door to the backyard & yelled "eggs!"
And the egg hunting began!
This time Hudson got lots of eggs!
Checking out their stash of candy and money... little did they know that there were also eggs hidden in the front & side yards!
My sleeping angel finally woke up (with a little help).
And he had to explore all the fun things.
Brandon didn't look too happy trying to put Porter's model car together. I think he was a little mad at the Easter Bunny:)
Now that everyone was awake, I told them to bring their baskets to the front yard so I could take some pictures of them. This is when they discovered that they were not done with their egg hunting!
Brody was so funny! He would pick up an egg and then throw it like a ball!

Happy Easter, everyone! I hope yours was as enjoyable as ours was!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


So, do you remember when I posted about Brody & his obsession with sleeping with his blankie covering his head. His obsession goes beyond his crib. When he's carrying his blankie around the house, he usually has it wrapped around his neck like a huge scarf. Well, the other day he went a step further & covered his head like a ghost. And you'd think after running into one wall, he would have had enough & take his blanket off, but no! He was seriously bouncing off the walls/table in the kitchen like a pin ball! Every time he bumped his head on something, he would just giggle and move in another direction until he bumped his head on something else! And so on & so on.... This kid must have a head made of stone and a lot of weirdness in his little body! :)
And here's his happy little face after everything was said & done!