{Little Learners Preschool}

Enrollment has started for Fall 2012. Check out my website!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Our Easter

We had a very nice Easter this year (like always!)
It started off with 8:00 church, so all I had time for is taking some pictures before we had to rush to church. Actually, I'm pretty impressed I had time to get myself and three kids ready, take pictures, and make it to church on time!

And I liked going to church first before we did all of the commercial Easter things. I think it helped my boys to understand the real reason why we celebrate Easter. As Hudson says: "Jesus died us." too cute!

The Easter bunny came during nap time and left lots of eggs.
Hudson discovered a chest with dress ups in it and that was the end of the egg hunt for him.
Porter found most of the eggs, but Hudson didn't care because...
"Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue!" "I Fly!"
We headed to Grandma and Grandpa Hoopes' house for yes, another egg hunt, fishing for prizes (Grandma really spoiled them! It was more like Christmas!), and a yummy dinner.
The night ended just the way it should have, with Grandma and grandkids:)

Monday, April 18, 2011


Brandon here:  I always see my wife doing blog stuff.  I love to get on and read all the creative/fun stuff she does.  I love how we have a fun little journal with this.  Well...I have hijacked her blog right now. She doesn't know about this but...I am having fun!  She probably thinks I am on Facebook or some wrestling website.  As you all can see...I AM NOT!!!  HEHEHEHE!!!!  I love doing sneaky things.  This could end up bad for me...but it is totally worth it!  Muahahahaha!!!

All you followers...I want you to know... I LOVE MY WIFE!!!  She is the most amazing mother, wife, friend, daughter, cousin, daughter in law, sister, mommy, sister in law, granddaughter, cook, shopper, coupon-er, wife, shoulder massage receiver, wife, Odyssey van driver, momma, preschool teacher, wife, cleaner, party-er, mom, cheerleader, hard worker, sleeper, snuggle-er, and did I mention... wife and mother.

Hope all goes well when she sees that I sabotaged her project/blog/journal.  Well...I am a part of her life so I guess she gets to deal with that.  If you all don't know yet...I want to be clear...


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Life of a 3 Month Old

The life of this 3 month old consists of:
Eating, lots of sleeping,
snuggling, a little crying,
smiling, cooing,
watching my older brothers, tummy time,
being held, discovering,
and loving Mommy, Daddy, Porter, & Hudson.
We love you, too, Brody! It's hard to believe you are 3 months old already!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Our Newest Addition!

We finally have a car that fits our growing family better! I never thought I'd be so excited to drive a minivan, but I tell you, with 3 little kids, it is going to be sooooo nice!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

A Whole Lotta Stuff!

We've had a lot of things going on the past couple months. Here's a recap of what's been going on at the Hoopes':

A whole lotta going to the zoo

A whole lotta playing in the snow

A whole lotta silliness

A whole lotta preschool fun

A whole lotta burrito-baby sleeping
A whole lotta brotherly love

A whole lotta playgroup fun

And a whole lotta NYC & Philly sightseeing

There. I'm caught up! Now I can't wait for a whole lotta other stuff that we have planned to happen in the next few months!