{Little Learners Preschool}

Enrollment has started for Fall 2012. Check out my website!

Sunday, October 18, 2009


I am so lucky to have a great group of friends here. We get together 2-3 times a week. We go to story time at the library and when the weather is nice, we go to a park and picnic. Now that it is going to start raining more, we are going to have to be more creative about where to meet for playgroup. We met at my house last week because I have a huge playroom. Porter was so excited that all of his friends were coming to play at his house! He sat at the front window and waited for them to arrive! How cute! He is really into friends right now and is always asking me if he can go to friends' houses!
The playroom was well used, to say the least! We had 9 moms and dads (including Brandon because he was working from home that day) and 15 kids! I also had play dough in the kitchen to play with. I think all the kids had fun!
We made lunch and then had Halloween cookies for a treat.
My house is open for playgroup any day during the crummy weather:)

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