That is what we are hoping to have in 4-6 weeks! I am so sick of dirt. Porter can't play outside and when he does, he is filthy when he is done. I can't keep my house clean because so much dirt is tracked in! I can't wait to send Porter outside to play in a fenced, grassy backyard!!!!
Planting grass was quite the ordeal. There were so many steps we had to complete. First, we bought 11 tons of top soil and 6 tons of sand! Most of the sand we used for a different project. We used to top soil to fill in low spots and level our yard. Brandon shoveled every speck of that dirt, and I raked it until it the yard was level. Porter had a blast being a boy and climbing on a mountain of dirt!

Next Brandon rolled the dirt with a drum roller.

Then I spread the seed.

After the seed was spread, it needed to be raked again, to cover most of the seed. After it was raked, Brandon rolled it with the drum roller, again. It was quite the process! Now we are watering, watering, and watering it some more!

Our friend, Jess, helped us remove the HUGE
debris pile that was on our side yard. It went so quickly with his tractor. We have the coolest friends! Porter loved watching him the whole time!

Now that our side yard is cleared, we still need to plant grass there, but that is a lot smaller area, so it should go quickly. I will post pictures when we have grass! Yeah!!!!!!!!
I was looking at your photos and I thought to myself, "That guy on the tractor looks a lot like Jess Doman. Wait, did she say his name WAS Jess?" So I clicked on the photo and sure was him.
He is my sister-in-law's brother in law. Got it? hee hee. My brother is married to his wife's sister. Did your head just explode? Small world! Good work Hoopes!
It seems like everyone knows the Domans! That's cool that you know Jess. He's a nice guy. It is a small world!
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