Brandon and I decided we like being in small towns for holidays. Once again, for the fireworks, there was plenty of parking and we thought for sure we wouldn't make it into the park where the fireworks were happening. We drove by, though and saw that there was plenty of space!
I have to tell you about Porter. That morning, the first thing he said when he woke up was "go fireworks?" I told him not until it was dark and past his bed time. Well, everywhere we went that day, he would say "go fireworks?". He was sooooo excited to see the fireworks. We didn't see any fireworks last year because we were camping with friends, so this was the first time he would probably remember the fireworks.

Porter, Morgan, and Jordyn having fun and being silly before the fireworks.

This is Porter licking some cotton candy. He had never had cotton candy before and the first time he put it to his mouth, he didn't like the texture! So then he tried licking it, and he was able to taste it by licking it. When he realized how yummy it was (at least to him and other kids) he started eating it!

It was a loooooong time waiting for the fireworks for a two year old. After all, he had been waiting ALL DAY and then he had to wait some more after we got to the park. He was a champ!

This is how the cousins pasted most of the time... being silly!

Now that we are home, I am scrambling around to get a bunch of things done (I shouldn't be blogging, but I wanted to get caught up) because in a week from today, Porter, Hudson and I are going to visit my family in Utah for two weeks! Porter's excited to fly on a big airplane (he doesn't remember the past two times he's been on one) and see Grandma and Grandpa Perry! We will sure miss daddy, though. I wish he could take off as much work as he wanted so that he could do all the trips with us. Grandma and Grandpa Perry will keep us VERY busy and we will also be going to two family reunions; one in Vernal, Ut and one in Burlington, Wy. The summer rush is definitely here and things get hectic, but I love it! Posts from Utah will follow, but probablynot until I get back- I can't see G & G giving me enough time to sit at a computer and blog:)
It looks like you guys have been having lots of fun too. I think that photo of Hudson sitting during the parade is adorable. Your little guys are so cute.
Looks like you guys had a blast! I love the boys' matching 4th of July outfits!
Cute pictures! It was fun to see you guys in Camas!
That picture of Porter and Brandon is a gem! Good shot! Sorry Brandon can't take off as much time as he wants....we NEEEEEED him at Serenity! We can't function very well without you can probably tell by all the phone calls he says he got from Lenny while he was on vacation!
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