Hudson is crawling! He started crawling right after he turned 7 mo. He just started doing the "one knee" crawl like you will see in the video. That's how I crawled!
In a nut shell, we met at Ricks College, dated for 4 months, got engaged, and less than a year after we met, we were married. We both finished our schooling at Ricks and then Weber State. Brandon went on to the U of U. 51/2 years after being married we had our Porter and 21 months after that, we had our Hudson. In less than two years we doubled our family. We now have added another little boy, Brody, to our growing family. We live in Portland, Oregon where Brandon enjoys going to work and I enjoy staying at home with the boys.
Yay, Hudson! That's kind of how Aric started out too. I love it!
I answered your question about the tot school in the tot school comments, I'm still trying to figure out a lot of stuff still. It's so fun though!
Wow you guys have been busy!!! Looks like fun!
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